David Hurren: “From Waste to Net Zero” Podcast 1, Episode 2

1 March 2024
1 March 2024 sg-admin

In the second episode of our first podcast, Standard Gas Advisory Board member and gas expert, David Hurren, explores the challenges and opportunities in decarbonising waste management and recovering the energy and material resources in a range of waste streams, from household to biosolids. In the UK, for example, David points out that although 85% of the resources in waste going to landfill or incineration could be recovered or reused, “we’re stuck at about 44%.” It’s time to stop viewing waste as rubbish and to see it as a natural resource to create energy and other products, he says.

David Hurren, Standard Gas Advisory Board


Renewable, carbon-negative electricity, biogas, transport fuels, green hydrogen, chemical feedstock, carbon-removing biochar, transformational waste management and…and…and
Our SG100 technology produces affordable, clean, carbon-negative energy, while capturing and removing carbon, and transforming waste management for the Circular Economy.
Our carbon removing technology has wide-scale commercial, transportation and industrial applications across value chains.

Carbon Negative Energy: Each year, a single SG100 plant can generate up to 40,000 MW hours of carbon-negative power, enough for around 10,000 homes, offices or commercial properties, as well as for the transportation sector and wider industry.

Carbon Reduction: It will remove up to 25,000 tonnes of CO2e – equivalent to the annual carbon emissions of 5,000 cars. With electrolysis, a plant processing biogenic waste will generate over 650 tonnes of green hydrogen. And the SG100 closes the waste management loop, offering a better low carbon alternative to landfill and incineration.

Carbon Capture: TheSG100 technology also generates ‘biochar’ and ‘carbon char’, a black, granular, dust-like co- product that can be sequestered in valuable agricultural, environmental, and industrial applications.

Our Mission is to significantly contribute in mitigating and reversing climate change’s negative environmental, social and economic impacts.