EU targets 2040 carbon removals on path to Net Zero

9 February 2024
9 February 2024 sg-admin

EU targets 2040 carbon removals on path to Net Zero

To reach Net Zero by 2050, Europe will need technologies that capture, store and reuse significant volumes of CO2 by 2040 in tandem with reducing emissions by 90% from 1990 levels, the EU Commission says.

EU carbon storage capacity should ramp up from 50 million t/y by 2030, to 280 million t/y by 2040, and 450 million t/y by 2050 as a key element of the region’s industrial carbon management strategy. Accordingly, the Commission has outlined overarching goals to help achieve the EU’s carbon targets:

  • Establish a single market for CO2
  • Develop regulations for CO2 transport and storage
  • Assess levels of industrial carbon removals
  • Develop guidance for project permitting processes and pinpoint potential sites
  • Establish a clear carbon accounting framework for using captured CO2 as a resource

Underlaying the Commission’s aims is the establishment of “an enabling business environment for a CO2 value chain in the EU”, supported by “horizontal actions” to encourage CCUS investments. These include:

  • Investment and funding by the EU and Member States
  • Boosting research, innovation, and public awareness
  • Fostering international co-operation

Commenting on the EU Commission’s plans, Standard Gas Chief Executive, David Whitmarsh, says: “Long-term, stable, and targeted policies are essential to guide and encourage investment in carbon management by both the private and public sectors. So, in that sense, the Commission is doing its job. Hopefully, the UK Government will pay close attention to the EU developments and look to achieve a degree of policy alignment to help UK companies grow their business in the region.

“As a UK-based company commercialising a technology that addresses the requirements for both carbon removal and transition to more renewable, sustainable energy, we were pleased to see the UK Government re-join Horizon Europe late last year. As well as a key channel for technological innovation and cooperation in Europe, Horizon is also a conduit for funding from which the UK may benefit. However, the fact that the UK now sits outside the EU’s Single Market means the future development of our business in Europe will almost certainly require us to create a corporate entity in a country within the wider EU jurisdiction.”

To read more about the EU Commissions carbon management plans:

Ed Falkman, Executive Chairman and David Whitmarsh, Chief Executive, Standard Gas.


Renewable, carbon-negative electricity, biogas, transport fuels, green hydrogen, chemical feedstock, carbon-removing biochar, transformational waste management and…and…and
Our SG100 technology produces affordable, clean, carbon-negative energy, while capturing and removing carbon, and transforming waste management for the Circular Economy.
Our carbon removing technology has wide-scale commercial, transportation and industrial applications across value chains.

Carbon Negative Energy: Each year, a single SG100 plant can generate up to 40,000 MW hours of carbon-negative power, enough for around 10,000 homes, offices or commercial properties, as well as for the transportation sector and wider industry.

Carbon Reduction: It will remove up to 25,000 tonnes of CO2e – equivalent to the annual carbon emissions of 5,000 cars. With electrolysis, a plant processing biogenic waste will generate over 650 tonnes of green hydrogen. And the SG100 closes the waste management loop, offering a better low carbon alternative to landfill and incineration.

Carbon Capture: TheSG100 technology also generates ‘biochar’ and ‘carbon char’, a black, granular, dust-like co- product that can be sequestered in valuable agricultural, environmental, and industrial applications.

Our Mission is to significantly contribute in mitigating and reversing climate change’s negative environmental, social and economic impacts.